Monday, October 02, 2006

IntelliJ IDEA 6 is released

Time after time, and now time is came, IntelliJ IDEA 6 is released. JetBrains spent many resource to born a new version of IDEA. IDEA 6 has many new features to provide more powerful to developers who want to create more productive software.

I followed the road JetBrains created IDEA 6 from the first EAP. I knew that JetBrains met many problems during that journey with many users' blames and complains. And the lesson I learned from it is "Listen to the users but under pressure you must always follow your own way".

Congratulation, JetBrains! Congratulation, developers! Development with pleasure is here!

Update: At the same time, JetBrains released version 1.0 of Team City, an integrated team environment.

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