Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Change list of IntelliJ IDEA Demetra build 5261

Changes in build 5261 from build 5245:

* Code coverage. Global report.
* Highlighting of files containing errors in project view and editor
tab titles.
* Scope "Problems" to display files containing errors.
* UI Designer. Action to generate listeners from form (Ctrl-O).
* UI Designer. Design-time editing for list models and combo box models.
* JavaScript. Bundled JSIntentionPowerPack plugin.
* OpenAPI. Exposed ModuleBasedConfiguration and related classes.
* OpenAPI. API for adding components to status bar.
* OpenAPI. API for showing file-level problems.
* JavaScript. Completion of browser-specific items.
* Other improvements and bugfixes.
* Tab-based messages toolwindow for IDEtalk.

Complete list of changes, see here.

Some UI changes I found

Default target per build file

Problem view

Commit changes dialog

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