After having the exciting knowing how to
work with ASP.NET MVC in pratice, I move to the boring part, theory, of
Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework. This part is broken up to 9 chapters.
Chapter 7, "Overview of ASP.NET MVC Projects", gives me the understand about ASP.NET MVC project structure, how to debug a project, and detail about the request processing pipeline which teaches you what each components in ASP.NET MVC does.
Chapter 8, "URLs and Routing", teaches me how to configure the routing in details, gives me some best practices for URL schemas, and how to test URL routing.
Chapter 9, "Controllers and Actions", explains how a controller receives input, produces output, do filter. It also mentions about controller factory, and again, testing for controller.
Chapter 10, "Views", lets me know how to use inline code, HTML Helper, partial views, Html.RenderAction to produce views. It also gives me some basic about how to create a custom view engine, and introduces some third-party view engine (NVelocity, Spark, Brail, NHaml).
Chapter 11, "Data Entry", you got controllers, you got views, but what makes users use your applications, it's data. This chapter teaches me how to bind data from model and how to validate data.
Chapter 12, "Ajax and Client Scripting", explains me how to get support from ASP.NET MVC's Ajax Helpers and jQuery to make the web application more attractive.
Chatper 13, "Security and Vulnerability", mentions about the most important thing for web appplications, security, and gives me some insights to address it.
Chapter 14, "Deployment", you finish a web application and you need to put it to work in the real world, so what do you need to care about, this chapter will help you.
Chapter 15, "ASP.NET Platform Features", ASP.NET MVC is not just it, it was based on ASP.NET platform, and there are some features you need to know to use them (Windows authentication, forms authentication, data caching, i18n, adressing performance,...)
Chapter 16, "Combining MVC and WebForms", gives you a mixed salad with ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET WebForms.
At the end, I recommend this book is a MUST READ for developers who need to know and UNDERSTAND about ASP.NET MVC. You will have no regret to read it.
Enjoy reading :-)