Monday, September 26, 2005

Some stupid things

Today, it's first time I try to use Corel's Paint Shop Pro X (PSP) (after uninstall Jasc Software's Paint Shop Pro 9.0.1) and it's first time I know that Jasc Software was acquired by Corel from 10/2004.

I'm not a fan of Adobe's Photoshop and I use PSP instead 'cause it's easier to use and I used it from v4.0.

I don't know why Corel put a digital camera on PSP's splash. It looks stupid. But it has a new showy UI, same as ACDSee 7.0 - 8.0, Photoshop CS - CS2.

And maybe Blogger only accept to upload an image per post to their server. And editor's toolbar hasn't got a properly appearance in Firefox (my version is 1.5 beta 1).

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